
This site is a bit of a mixture that I’m hoping will appeal to a wider variety of people than just the typical reader, author, or game player. I’ve written games and I’m now writing books so I have something to say in both these areas.

Writing – Science Fiction

I’m writing science fiction now so as various books and short stories get published I’ll put links here and talk about them. I might even upload a few short stories if that’s the sort of thing you’d like.

I’ve planned for the main science fiction world that my stories are based in to allow me to branch out into Murder Mystery Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I currently have the first trilogy complete and the collection of short stories will be ready for late 2024. Then the first Murder Mystery Sci-Fi will follow in early 2025. The book and short story covers above are there to show the start of my plan.

Writing – About Writing
After I reached a hundred thousand words of draft text for my first novel, Booting Ada, I studied for an MA in Novel Writing at Middlesex University, UK. Fourteen edits later I published it and I have gained some knowledge on how to write. I intend sharing some of that on this site. This will largely be from a science fiction and fantasy perspective, but there will be a lot of overlap with other genres in areas like character arcs, narrative technique, and how to keep the story moving. Some of this would also be relevant to game developers.


Loading screens for all four magic Knight games

This section will include new articles written by me about being a games developer as well as reviews, interviews, and any links I can find that add to that. Where I own the copyright and the games exist for download I’ll link to them and give some additional background on their development. I now teach at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands so I’ll probably also share links to some student-created content for more modern platforms and talk about how students learn to be game developers.

Other areas covered on this site
Reviews – Any genre writer needs to be familiar with the genre they want to write for. That means I’ve consumed a huge amount of science fiction in the form of books, films, TV, and other formats. I find I reference some of these works in my writing. In those cases, I’ll review those works and give some insight into how they relate to my writing or what inspiration I got from them. I’ll also mention a few other works if I feel they are relevant to my writing journey.

Programming – It’s possible I may have something to say about programming in general or how it applies to games.